Q: Can I modify my order?
A: If you have placed an order and the name, size or style on the order was incorrect, you are eligible to modify your order within 60 minutes after making the purchase.
If you wish to modify your order, please contact us at this email address: [email protected] as soon as possible.
Keep in mind that if you have overstepped the 60 minute period you are no longer entitled to have your order modified.
Q: Can I cancel my order?
A: If you have placed an order mistakenly or made up your mind after the order was already bought, you are eligible to cancel your order within 60 minutes after making the purchase.
If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us at this email address: [email protected] as soon as possible.
Keep in mind that if you have overstepped the 60 minute cancellation period you are no longer entitled to have your order cancelled.
Q: How can I order from you?
A: You need to go to www.btxsports.com and follow the steps below:
1. Select the product.
2. Select the size, color and quantity.
3. Click the “Add to cart” button.
4. Go to the cart.
5. You can Continue Shopping or Proceed to Check out.
6. If you Proceed to Check out, you fill the information and select your method of payment.
Q: When will my order arrive?
A: Within the United States, your items will be carefully printed, cut, sewn, and shipped within 7 to 12 business days from the date of your order. Delivery times may vary for other countries but generally fall within the same timeframe.
Please note that these are estimated shipping times and can vary based on your location, especially if you’re outside of major city areas. In the event of a delay, our courier partners, which include DHL, FedEx, and USPS, will provide you with an updated estimated delivery time.
Once your order is dispatched, it will be in the capable hands of our courier partners, and they will be responsible for the timely delivery of your package. Rest assured, you will be provided with a tracking number to monitor your order’s progress to your doorstep.
For any queries or if you require a more specific estimate, our dedicated customer service team is here to assist you every step of the way.
Q: Where are you from?
A: As a U.S.-based custom sportswear provider, we offer global shipping options. Our products are dispatched directly from our suppliers located in various regions, including Central America, to ensure timely deliveries worldwide.
Q: Is there a local shop where I can check your merchandise in person?
A: At the moment, we don’t have any physical shops in any country. We’re a fully functional online shop. Orders are placed directly on our website.
Q: Can I pay cash/what is the method of payment?
A: We have the following payment methods:
1. PayPal.
2. Credit cards.
3. Money Transfer.
Q: How can I track my order?
A: Once you place your order, you are going to receive emails indicating the status of your order with all the information that you need to track your package.
You will receive on the email your tracking number to locate your package:
If the Tracking number is a 10 digit length numeric number please check it on
DHL: https://www.logistics.dhl/ar-en/home.html
If the Tracking number is a 12 digit length numeric number please check it on
FedEx: https://www.fedex.com/en-us/home.html
If the Tracking number is a 20-22 digit length numeric number please check it on
Q: How can I make a return?
A: At BTX Sports, we provide a 30-day warranty against factory defects on all our custom-made sportswear. While we do not accept returns for custom products due to the nature of each item being uniquely tailored and pre-approved by our customers via design mockups, we are committed to quality assurance.
If you encounter a factory defect within 30 days of receiving your order, we encourage you to reach out to our customer service team. We will ensure that any manufacturing issues are addressed promptly with a repair or replacement. Our goal is to deliver perfection and maintain your trust in our brand’s commitment to quality.
Q: I mistyped my shipping address, what can I do?
A: Please note that we cannot make edits to the shipping address after the shipping had begun. Please alert us about any modification requests maximally 60 minutes after you have placed your order.
Q: Can I use a PO Box or APO/FPO military address?
A: For now our shipping partners are unable to ship orders to PO Boxes or APO/FPO military addresses. So you will need to provide a street address.
Q: Is it possible to pay in other currency than US dollars?
A: Every payment is executed through bank transactions, therefore the currency exchange is automated and fixed to the exchange rate.
Q: Why does the shipping begin several days after I have placed my order?
A: After we receive your order, we conduct control checks in order to ensure the product’s quality prior to shipment. The processing time varies depending on the specific product with the average processing time being approximately 3~7 days; however, it can also be affected by the item’s stock status.
Q: Which shipping companies do you work with?
A: We work with DHL, FedEx and USPS.
Q: I just checked my order’s tracking but it doesn’t show my order. What happened?
A: The reason your tracking number does not show the exact location of the parcel is because the given carrier does not provide real time tracking of the shipment